
That first paragraph is pretty much the opposite of everything I said and really makes me worry about your reading comprehension.

The Mad King didn't forfeit his position, he was dethroned. Ask the Jacobite pretenders how well reclaiming the title goes. It's also worth noting that Dany has no legal claim to the title: The Targaryens practiced male primogeniture. She's not the head of House Targaryen under what we've seen of conventional

But there's no double standard. Jon never disavows hereditary feudal overlordship, he simply argues that the Mad King forfeited his position by breaking the reciprocal bonds of feudal protection. Once the chain is broken, Dany's claim does not make sense.

For sure, which is why I think she might be misunderstanding the prophecy.

He was… the theory relies on Bran not yet having a feeling for the chronology of his visions, so that he uses the past tense because he saw it, but what he saw had not yet transpired. Or, maybe he just a jerk.

Clearly you don't speak French.

She definitely understood him to be talking about that, but if Bran is unstuck in time who knows what he meant?

"I saw when you tried to save Rickon but he died anyway, and you almost blew the pivotal battle. Yeah, that's the kind of stuff I talk about now."

Unless it's Blood. Then it's totally Reign in Blood.


Why is it lame? Dany wants to claim the IT through her father, but her father was violently deposed. Was he the worst leader ever? Maybe not, but he was the one who got the boot.

Littlefinger: "Offer them candy! Why didn't I ever think of that!"

Dragons are recently attested to, King's Landing still has the bones of a bunch of them. The White Walkers are attested to only in legend. For the people of this world dragons are kind of normal.
Personal theory: Dragons are a consequence of the Children of the Forest throwing the elements out of balance to make the

Cersei's legal claim to the throne still comes from House Baratheon, thought that's pretty much a legal fiction at this point.

Seriously, this is like castle building 101 people!

For sure, but it seems like she's right about what the prophecy is, she just bungles its interpretation, which makes it seem to me like Fire and Ice coming together might have happened before this meeting.

We didn't see much of Highgarden but…. you're saying the Tyrells didn't put their seat of power in a strategically defensible location?

Did they mount the ballista in some kind of gyro? Because if not, the dragon could just, you know, come in from above.
More to the point, if a dragon is wounded by a thrown spear how did they deal with archers and crossbows?

Ah! I do remember that, I thought of it less a serial killer than as an agent of somebody.

I still think that defection is a little BSy, but even then the entire point of a medieval castle is that a much smaller defensive force can hold onto it against a numerically superior force. They were talking two years for Riverrun, and Olenna could have done a great service just tying up Cersei's army.