
Some random hole in he wall my cabbie recommended in Aqaba. Maybe it was mild dehydration and hunger, but damn that was good.

It will be a great way to explain catalysts to your kids!

"And yes, there’s a poop emoji voiced by Sir Patrick Stewart, in a part whose total dialogue must surely run well under two minutes. Anyone can be bought for the right price, but not for too long."

Sucker! I moved into a retirement home!

Last time I declared my old man indifference it was over Christopher Nolan. This time it's Jessica Williams. She had some good sketches on the Daily Show, but I just don't get how hot and bothered people get over her.

"The comparison that would matter here is the cost per individual, not overall cost."

My sister in law is Italian, went to a Seder with my Jewish brother. The hostess had a hard time believing my sister in law was not the Jew in the couple.

Then they will awkwardly ask if I am lost and if there is someone they can call for me.

"What if Henry V hadn't died so young? Can he make the French obey the treaties essentially unifying England and Britain?"

I think that was the OPs point: That one form of evil (disliking is lovable if cowardly son) puts him in the bad guy column and so he has to fight with the bad guys.

Eh, the aesthetic did not work for me, bit I could see what he was doing and how it would work for some people (apparently a massive amount of people).

Goodbye to the Crown?

Yeah, it was technically accomplished and I get that last shot, but honestly I never really got in synch with Dom emotionally enough to care. It felt like it was all head and no heart.

Yeah, nothing against the people that love it. It just always seemed kind of odd to me, like that SNL episode that was predicated on the assumption that Kristen Stewart was, like, the coolest thing ever.

This movie sounds great, and I loved the minimalism of the trailers… But I will never understand the orgy of love for Inception.

Sure they know how to kill them in head to head combat, but what about their other abilities? What good is a bunch of dragon glass if they can just plunge the whole world into sub zero and watch your army starve/freeze?

Better question: with an all powerful wand that presumably works by manipulating vibrations, does she need a man?

Sonic screwdriver, same as the other Doctors!

That's deep.

I saw.