
Being the least cool Murdock. #RupertsFault

Queen Wizard JK Rowling is on fire today.

It's so weird to me that she was completely silent for so long- to the point that we have more than twenty women accusing him of rape, and now she speaks out, all of a sudden? What gives? Pressure from Cosby to say something? It just seems really strange.


I will never NOT tell this tale: I had DINNER WITH HER when I was in college, we were hosting a Roe V Wade debate. I drew the short straw and had to take her out while my friend took Sarah Weddington out.

She is exactly who Madeline Albright was talking about when she said there is a special place in hell.

wait so like

Even this internet doctor is flabbergasted.

Re: the rabbits, what kind of mental illness causes that? I can see where getting the attention of giving birth repeatedly would make sense in a certain sort of mind, and rabbits are small enough to shove up there and plentiful/anonymous enough to use, whereas a human baby is a) not gonna go back in and b) has

I believe the phrase Emma used when I sent this piece to her was

Worst magic act ever.

Look at you! Solving the mystery of the ages!

effective as hell though. Never going to forget it

In reality, she was just sticking dead rabbit parts into her vagina and faking labor.

1276 was a leap year, so there should have been 366 kids, obviating the need for an ambiguous 365th child.

I can't feel sorry for her. I'm too busy feeling sorry for her daughter.

That dude does NOT live in Fiji? Does that dude live in Fiji? My god, he does. And has a site called A-MAN-ZON (GET IT?!) and Dead Broke Dads. I mean, why am I still single at 37.

Keyboard commandos

I will fucking pound your doughy face into a feminist symbol, you sack of shit.