How many non African countries had Ebola outbreaks?
How many non African countries had Ebola outbreaks?
Just saying “BUT IT’S RACIST” isn’t an argument. I have yet to see one of you virtue signaling retards explain why this is racist
To you, specifically, is an Irish accent racist? A Scottish accent? A Norwegian accent? Spongebob had Patrick celebrating “Leif Erickson Day” was the racist? Were scandinavian people made victims? I get it. in your mind black people are incapable of working for themselves and they are perpetual victims
That hasn’t been a thing for more than 3 generations now. There is no one alive right now that has ever been a slave nor owned a slave.
If this isnt a case for a death penalty... jesus christ idk what is (meaning NCCA death pentalty)
yea thats a fucking lie and you know it
lol reaching much? She legitimately questioned Israel’s right to statehood. That seems pretty inflammatory to me. Especially considering, in your mind, that it’s preposterous/inflammatory to question Palestine’s right to statehood
The first thing women do in communities that were liberated by a Religious Extremist group like ISIS is burn their face coverings and celebrate.
But the hiljab is a tool of the Islamic patriarchy to force women to do what they’re told. Why is it that when you look at pre-Iranian revolution photos none of the women are wearing Hijabs? Why is it that when women are freed from Theocratic ISIS rule the first thing they do is burn their face coverings?…
PLEASE look up the USS liberty attack.
Canyall please look up the USS liberty attack? it was the second worse attack on a US naval vessel... behind only pearl harbor. 34 servicemen died without answers. It wasn’t an accident. It was a deliberate attack to provoke the US into attacking Egypt. We scrambled jets immediately after the attack ARMED WITH NUCLEAR…
idk I think crisco cops is more creative than grease police
Is now a good time to talk about gun control? hasn’t been a mass shooting in a bit. Time for the conversation? or are we just gonna hear the same shit next shooting...
fuck I don’t think there’s an episode I didn’t like (maybe the bottle episode) The show ran the perfect length and I don’t think another TV show has ended at such a perfect time. Thrill ride beginning to end. That cartel takedown HNNG
god damn that typo took all the wind out of my comment
I don’t care if this movie is a hit piece on Paterno. I had no business being made. His name has no business being repeated.
Some call them activists, others call them criminals
I mean I’ve been a server for 3+ years so far and our job is nothing special. Lots of entitled tardos like you that think you’re doing real labor when all you’re really doing is moving food (that much harder working employees prepated) to a table with a smile
Some call them activists, others call them criminals with an excuse