There’s no way those cops could have seen if it was a gun or not in the half second they had their heads around that corner. How can you mistake an iphone for a gun anyway? wtf kinda gun glows????
There’s no way those cops could have seen if it was a gun or not in the half second they had their heads around that corner. How can you mistake an iphone for a gun anyway? wtf kinda gun glows????
Yea the cops said show me your hands and then immediately unloaded their entire clips. Was he breaking into cars by breaking their windows? I’ve been trying to find out if he really was or not. (not that that means he should have lost his life) The cops were treating this situation like it was a hunt. A helicopter…
I pretty much had to expand my argument, which by any standards was pretty simple.
I’m still waiting for your argument considering all you’ve done is dickishly respond to me
At what point did I say I was glad/happy? Why are you telling me what my argument is? I’m looking at this from a purely responsibility stand point. Would you want to be held responsible (through police charges) if some drunk asshole jumped out onto the street in front of you? No. and as long as you stopped and called…
yes because the minder should be 100% aware of morons crossing the street illegally. The woman wasn’t even trying to scoot across the road quickly, she was not watching for headlights like any other reasonable person would have
So the person wearing absolutely no safety/reflective equipment, walking no where near a crosswalk, and paying no attention to headlights on a road where the speed limit is 40mph is not at fault here? Autonomous vehicle or not, this woman was dead or severely injured anyway. She was endangering herself and everyone on…
bullshit bullshit bullshit. swerving or breaking aside, the pedestrian was in the WRONG endangering HERSELF and EVERY SINGLE DRIVER on that road. She was outside of the crosswalk, paying 0 fucking attention to any oncoming traffic, and she was wearing all dark colors. retards like you infuriate me. How can you ignore…
lol this analogy is a STRRREEEECCHHH
you’re a fucking retard if you really believe that.
Ok but we live in a world where 99.9% of cars are NOT autonomous. We also live in a world where what that pedestrian was doing was ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS not just to herself, but every driver on the road. It’s a tragic situation, and honestly the car should have reacted but the Uber car could have VERY EASILY been any…
If you ever do hit a pedestrian (say one jumped out into the middle of the road, or another dumbass like the poor lady here) and you stop and call the police. You will likely not get charged if it truly wasn’t you’re fault. (provided you didn’t send answer texts/calls in the moments leading up to the impact) If you…
but that’s why the car was designated as a TEST car. In a world without any kind of driverless tech, that pedestrian is still dead. The technology isn’t there yet and this event will only expedite that process. Anyone in the aviation industry knows that NTSB/Air traffic rules are written in blood... that’s why those…
I agree, but this test would be a test of something BEYOND the capacity of a human to notice. I’m sure this will be fixed/improved in the next couple years... however in a world without any kind of driverless technology, that pedestrian is dead and it would be their own fault for 2 reasons. 1. Pedestrian is walking…
I mean even if the “safety driver” was paying attention there is no way she could have seen that pedestrian. The lady crossing was heavily in the wrong walking outside of the cross walk (and should have had the wherewithal to notice the headlights) Crossing in the middle of the street, with no reflective or lit-up…
Maybe they are tired of seeing people like Post Malone take bits of black culture and use them to make derivative, unoriginal content meant to be palatable for white mouths
Like why do you just list singers names like they don’t have any credit or accolades?
So, based on the definition of cultural appropriation, is Bruno Mars guilty?
man makes music. “He’s stealing, he’s using ‘racial ambiguity’ to cross genres”