maybe they should stop killing each other in grotesque and violent ways if they want the world to portray them peacefully
maybe they should stop killing each other in grotesque and violent ways if they want the world to portray them peacefully
cheering on the end of someone’s career. nice.
as long as he doesn’t throw games he’ll be fine. I’ve seen about 4 of some of the top streamers in League rage quit and (outside of game chat) rage on their streams. It’s a competitive game where every second counts. It’s not gonna be rainbows and butterflies for all 10 players.
maybe people should stop commiting crimes and hurting others who are following the law? It’s not like they’re posting just black people... they post mugshots of everyone, doesn’t matter if black people are perpetrating most of the crime
So H&M posts a photo where they have a t-shirt slogan that’s likely just photo shopped onto every product they have with no regard for color (albeit a silly mistake) and you want to burn down H&M for... what, exactly? They promoting the end of your race? Meanwhile one article over you’re black-splaining away someone’s…
lol black people aren’t racist and can never be racist, right?
bro you’re stupid if you think that’s the solution. The thing that breaks (but also makes her whole character idea) is that fucking resurrect ability. It brings someone who died back to 100% countering the possibly many abilities (and ultimates) that were used to bring them down. Ressurect will always be the center of…
Dear Black people.
Nixon was nix’d because he called out the Jews lol
expecting black people to tip LOL
Imagine 6 of your friends. It’s not an easy, quick subject to get people on board with group sex. Now try crossing that line from friendship to rubbing genitals together. No way would that experience be enjoyable for anyone if even one person was uncomfortable. Having been in a group sex situation, you really need…
basically your argument is the victim had no control whatsoever over themselves they were completely defeated? Doesn’t sound like the guy was violent nor did they say what exactly was said to “coerce” them into joining the orgy. idk I can’t imagine you’d just casually invite a friend over to an orgy without telling…
Either way, you’ll probably end up alone
maybe because the only person that writes quality content for your blog is Stephen Crocket. The rest of you, especially Ms. Judge, are racists in denial. Race bait race bait race bait. They act as if the only people that can possibly be racist are white people. Stop raping. Stop stealing. Stop killing. Start tipping,…
Paladins has been ignoring its community for months. They have absolutely trashed their own system that everyone loved. Despite spending upwards of 60+ dollars on this game (fair for the amount of time played) they basically hit a reset on every collectible (game changing item - not cosmetics) and make you collect it…
?? What were the officials watching??
His comment in the apology
thats how you get canker sores for the next 2 weeks
Banker’s life getting LOUD!!