
can you accurately explain the difference of a black person that uses this word casually dozen of times a day (or a white person that listens to a song in their car where the word is uttered several times) and a white person that uses it without having to do mental gymnastics to say that a black person is using it

some black people say this word dozens of times a day...

you ignored the stat I pulled from the politifact fact check article. These were numbers used by Don Lemon to a minor controversy. Sadly they are 100% true.

he ran from the cops when everyone else was ducking down. He looked suspect. He was arrested and cuffed by a black man. CAN YOU STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM

not only what I said before, but its so incredibly easy to generate a mercy ult that 2 CP maps are fucking awful. Because of the respawn advantage for the defense on the second CP, the attacking team has to spend so much time just dinking away getting no where while all it does is charge a mercy ult (through healing,

because retards like you would hold mercy ults for more than 2+ minutes when mercy can generate an ult in about 45 seconds or less. Sometimes solo rezzing the tank that just got picked off can completely shut down a push (say a map like Numbani). Instead you sit around with your dick in your hand waiting for the

thats the dumbest thing I have ever read on this site

Mercy mains are the worst. just piggy backing off everyone else. please. “Situational awareness” but what you really mean is “My single Q press trump everyone else’s Q press, their aiming, their stuns, their good positioning, and their morale all in one swoop” wow what skill. fuck off and try aiming with a real

Are you just desperate to reference some other deadspin culture trope? Because the difference is Gary Pettis was an athlete that accomplished something and Fitz just went to a fancy school. They really have nothing to do with each other, Xanderpuss just showin a cool stat. You’re trying too hard

Probably because deadspin is aware and has been posting very frequently of the damages university’s are doing to student athletes (Notre Dame hiding a SPINAL CORD INJURY from one of their players, among other things like how they aren’t paid for the millions of dollars they bring to the schools)

your explanation assumes that men are “taught” to be horny beasts and women are taught to be “chaste” but I couldn’t disagree more. One, men have a biological drive to reproduce and propagate their genes with an ideal/healthy mate, like a lot of other male species on the planet and society I believe tempers them in

fuck both of these people. The first for the obvious, guys that do that are douchebags and assholes... girls that do it are adventurous and independent. The second one for the mental gymnastics of what is really “damn I want that other piece of ass”

I know what you wrote is a joke. I’m 100% aware. Disclaimer before my next sentence.

“Fuck you, eat this.”

Gamers are the whiniest, most entitled sons a bitches on the planet. I know this because I am one.

Will the game have muhammed? That is the real question

Jesus Christ. This is why black men don’t want to father their children, because black women are insufferable. Patriarchy this, patriarchy that. You realize 67% of black children live in single mother homes right? So 2/3 of modern American blacks don’t even have a real-life taste of what a real father is. So how can

This might be the straight up dumbest thing I have ever read in my life. You literally did nothing to help define what Hotep was. You spent the first half of this article lauding the term then the second half just trashing it as homophobic for reasons that are still unclear.

holy shit

Yea anywhere with more than 4 taps is bound to have problems keeping their lines clean. And if you aren’t at a chain restaurant (like BWW) you don’t know what their standards are for frequency of line cleanings.