
I shop at Aldi’s all the time and it’s amazing how much food I can get for 20 bucks compared to other grocers around. Love all their food and their specials always open me up to other things. Also I impulse buy random goods from their non-edibles sometimes

Im not reading a single thing you wrote because you ignored the fact that 67% OF BLACK CHILDREN RESIDE IN SINGLE MOTHER HOMES.

Hey bud, eat shit

shhh sleep now. baby needs a new diaper and a nap

This guy is perfect for the Trump team

Now playing

Thanks, It really salts my apples to read these blog posts and the comments that come with them. and it really infuriates me that people like this Sol are just blatantly arguing that racism is ok but only for black people as if that solves anything.

you should be throwing every throw as a curve ball. If you aren’t you’re bad or riding your bike/skateboard

clearly you like living in cognitive dissonance.

The thing I do NOT understand about their relationship to Trump’s white working class evangelical base is that they accept them. A friend of mines mother was reposting the video where Conway was selling Ivanka’s shit on a national news broadcast. She was BOASTING about how she bought 2 of her perfumes adding, “I call

So it’s white peoples fault black people are killing themselves and others? wow you know so much about me! Do I even know myself? Am I Hitler?

see this is where the conversation always gets stuck in the mud. you had no willingness to have an open mind. That was evident when you not-so-vaguely compared me to a nazi “What you’re doing is the equivalent of saying to Jews in Nazi Germany” which is just such a trope at this point. Just because someone disagrees

sounds like you’re just bending over backwards to explain how racism is ok but only if you are black. “Yea but they have REASON to be racist” is something that only works from one perspective. Ethically that is wrong. It’s the same reason white people give to be racist against black people. Crime statistics prove that

So racism is ok based on the color of your skin. got it.

are you talking to me or the person that said “I can count the amount of white people I trust on one hand”? Because that’s prrrreettty sad. Or are you talking to the author that says “Polite white people are useless”? Seems pretty sad to me. Seems like the author and the drones that agree with them by offering their

This entire blog is a troll

By blowing off steam playing catch with my father

Man, don’t pull anything in reaching for racism

Can black people work on making their communities better? Can black people work on fathering their children? Can black people stop glorifying crushing xans into lean over black twitter? Can black people stop glorifying violence and gang lifestyle in their music? Can they stop using “Yea well say that shit in Compton”