
I can count the amount of black people I trust on one hand. Oh looks like I have a fist.

“This is why I don’t trust nice white people”

No it’s just another excuse to victimize yourself and blame your problems elsewhere. IF IF IF IF IF IF hypotheticals. Yea I think people don’t want people arming and armoring themselves for political rallies. Both sides had shields and bats ready to go. That’s violence.

that doesn’t mean that they instantly supported Nazi’s. People just don’t like violence.

lol children, said the perpetual victims.

500 people marching (that were thouroughly drowned out by THOUSANDS of counter-protesters) is no reason to be scared. grow a pair and stop living in fear

“shut the fuck and do the work”

lol right, telling people to shutup and stop talking based on the color of your skin! FUCK THIS RACIST GARBAGE BLOG

how can anyone dare ask how to help? It’s not like you’ve been provided fucking hand holdings to move you up society (Affirmative action) that you shun and refuse to teach those in your community to value education. We’ve done all we can, time for you to do your part and put some fucking effort in. and no, opening a

YOU’RE A WHITE PERSON. STOP TALKING. Lol racist garbage... when you judge the words coming from someones mouth by the color of your skin

Ironic that the man famous for his “You’re Fired!” persona made some of his biggest, most controversial moves in the most chicken shit way. He sent his personal bodyguard to deliver a pink slip to Comey who wasn’t even at his D.C. Office, he was on the other side of the country in LA. Then he fired Priebus (the man

ho ho! that’s a brilliant idea!!! They could do another version that’s like the metal collar scene in great Will Smith blockbuster, Wild Wild West. Everyone has a big metal collar and there’s 3 hidden saw launchers that home in on the collar. Everyone’s running around shooting getting chased by giant decapitating saws

Heather you do great work on this blog. Thanks for being quick with your posts and fresh with your commentary.

Just like when Katy Perry was reaching out and trying to reinvent herself, black twitter and this blog took it as an opportunity to hate white people. They add nothing to the conversation besides blind hatred and vitriol

we get it. you hate white people.

Only an idiot would pay this much for these items. Such a ripoff

Only an idiot would pay this much for these items. Such a ripoff

fuck valve

There it is again, the black community admonishing “moderate liberals” as uncaring. Jesus fucking christ, there is no pleasing you goons. For people that look back the vast disproportions of black male violence for you, you really have a knack at insulting them at every turn

while you make an excellent point about relating gays/trans in the military you can definitely not equate that to blacks in the military. Blacks have been allowed in the military since the Civil War (where they fought on both sides, albeit one side forcefully) In fact the military is where a lot of Latin American

I don’t remember the latest update including “friends”