
You missed one,

20 things black people have ruined in the last 20 years

Where will this author find time between waking up at noon and eating his first meal? lol you think this author is out there trying to get kids to go to school or find jobs, no he’s watching fucking TNT basketball talk show and then call the host a “black white supremacist” WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT MEANS

you nailed it! Congratz, called him a racist. *wipes hands clean* I’ve done my part in making my community better! take that uncle tom, I mean nazi, I mean black white supremacist. I’m right and you’re a racist! Ha!

instead of spending their time writing a hard-hitting expose, or covering courageous moments in their own community (that viral post about the guy dropping his neighbor kid off to school in his “foams”) they instead voluntarily spoon feed themselves the trash that comes from fucking BASKETBALL TALK SHOWS. Then they

an ideology that is constantly changing. Their version of racist just applies to whoever dares question the group think.

No they believe they should prioritize removing the statues and IGNORING the problems in their own community.

this blog is the most well designed echochamber on the site. They authors are the pickiest and the choosiest, disdaining real conversation for more trash for their group think. FUCK THE ROOT AND IT’S RACE BAITING RACIST GARBAGE. EVERYONE THAT DISAGREES IS A RACIST AND A NAZI

Black people can never be racist.

and black people are so fucking wholesome and without sin. fuck off you race baiting trash can of an author. just fuck off you are doing nothing but causing more division. You’ll lambast this person for supporting a tv show then turn around and jerk netflix off for it’s “BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS” work on, “Dear white

Yup, they can’t even take softball criticism from their own kind without labeling them as a fucking nazi. They’ll keep shooting themselves in the foot and blaming white people until... well there’s no more white people

lol why the fuck should anyone be expected to do anything for anyone. Why the fuck can’t black people do shit for black people. Encourage a library card, or a job application. Be keep sitting back on your laurels and wait for someone to hand you free shit. fuck off you fucking freeloader

no you make your kids smarter by labeling anyone that disagrees with them a racist and a nazi

If he differs any further, they might step up the race-bait from “white supremacist” to “Uncle tom nazi”

because it’s easier to gripe and moan about pointless nonsense than it is to sit down and get to work. That’s always the problem with the black community.

That’s what I don’t get. If they agree with the groupthink, “hey you’re one of us!” if they even slightly defer it’s, “Well why should we listen to you? some athlete that’s now a confirmed white supremacist” Seriously fuck this blog and all the arrogant, self-fellating racist garbage retard authors

It’s easy to find faults in every other community when you’re turning a blind eye to the problems/violence/drugs in your own community. The writers on these blogs add nothing but race baiting garbage to the community. They have no desire to be inclusive and just write rage-inducing trash to justify their own racism.

The Root

Nope, don’t expect valid criticism to shine through to these idiots on this blog. They just want to whine racist racist racist to everyone that won’t keep themselves ignorant. They love to speak about how evil white people are but turn a blind eye to the problems in their own community. To deny that young blacks,

lol yes you can pull that 84% but that’s a percentage. Look at the numbers. Blacks kill vastly more blacks than whites kills whites. and that’s hilarious because white people vastly outnumber blacks in the US.