HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA number 20: america. Jesus fucking christ
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA number 20: america. Jesus fucking christ
Another day, another black nfl star beating someone man, woman, friend, or wife. Sad
maybe if your communities didn’t suck dick where people are proud they sold drugs in their childhood (JayZ) and if they actually cherished their welfare programs and government housing. but I get it, I get it. It’s everyone’s fault but yours. Truly is
also you have 0 understanding of how thoros lights his fire sword, since he is a red priest of the Lord of Light, R’hollor he summons the flames himself. He’s an amateur fire wizard. That blade in an untrained hand would just be a normal blade.
also you have 0 understanding of how thoros lights his fire sword, since he is a red priest of the Lord of Light, R’hollor he summons the flames himself. He’s an amateur fire wizard. That blade in an untrained hand would just be a normal blade.
I think the role black people play in the fights is the wights. When you can’t win 1v1 typically in the fight video you see the black people swarm. black people always swarm when their own doesn’t win a fair fight.
kindly explain, since you’re already smugly confident that you think you know more than me. Are you about to tell me that black people can’t be racist?
LOOOOOOONNNNNG sonic is fucking creepy
cell phones are the fucking worst. Texting is a fucking aberration where the conversation has no real end. Especially now that people find phone calls unwanted, as an INTP this was the bane of my existence trying to learn texting growing up. I already have a hard enough time getting my feelings across face-to-face,…
ok congratz you talked about yourself but this still doesnt change the fact that Tina Fey has done a tremendous amount of charity work herself. so glad you got to feel self important for a day, ya fuckin’ cunt
the quote they were yelling was “we will not be replaced”
don’t expect logic to come out of the greys. The authors/admins of this blog are pickier and choosier than any other. and they DESPISE criticism of their group think
but you’re ok with Linda Sarsour leading the Women’s Marches. She considers Imam Siraj Wahhaj as a mentor, one who has been quoted
confrontations black people need to have with other black people (and themselves) if they’re sincere about attempting to combat gun violence and single motherhood
welcome to the Root
“There were weaves and vineyard vine apparel....everywhere”
The Root is nothing but the scum retention pond of shitty racist takes
more power to them!
omg then they’d have to get hobbies...