fuck off you purity demanding knuckle dragging retard
fuck off you purity demanding knuckle dragging retard
this is the race-baiting racist blog where white people are always racist no matter what and black people can never ever be racist ever
lol fuck off. She’s a comedian and you retards are taking her WAYY TOO SERIOUSLY
this is a racist blog.
the root is a racist blog.
In the mind of these very”smart”brothas and The Root
verysmartbrothas talking trash to a glorified clown... real smart indeed. Every time I see a white celebrity on these blogs it is almost NEVER positive. They trashed Katy Perry for putting her legs up on the couch and for being white. The Root is just whining whining whining
how many volunteer hours have you worked in an orphanage or at a homeless shelter? Who are you to criticize the philanthopic efforts of another? I can almost gurantee she’s done more than you have or will ever do. She’s up there to be a glorfied clown, to make us laugh. She’s not up there making a speech to the UN.
This blog sucks and all they do is criticize
constant whining
this blog post is represenative of the vast distrust black people have for white people.
you’re not white
White people are always racist
you’re a racist. this kind of talk is the reason the left can’t unite. racism. ya’ll will always assume no matter what a white person says their racist and just trying to sweep their racism under the rug. BUT NO it’s totally ok for you to make assumptions about other races. RACIST FUCKING HYPOCRITE, FUCK YOU
That’s the thing, this blog perpetuates the idea that this white supremacist thing is muuuuuuch bigger than it really is. There was less than 500 people attending the UniteTheRight rally. That’s fucking nothing and it was roundly trashed in the political world outside of the Trumpster (which, duh, you could have…
There’s almost no appeasing the black community. They see themselves as victims constantly. This blog trashed Katy Perry when she was admitting her music was vapid, meaningless garbage. Instead of helping guide her music or work with her she was generally mocked over Black Twitter. Guess what, her next album was…
Jesus Christ. We get it. You don’t like us. no matter what. There’s nothing we can say that will help us see eye to eye. It’s fucking frustrating because statistically there is just more violent crime in the black community and just reading statistics is enough to drive someone so lost in their own narrative they…
holy shit how much shit do black people talk at their BBQs? about each other? about white people? omg
basically Imagine if Miley had been embraced somehow bridging the gap and had a huge impact on her next album! Instead her album was meandering garbage that had no meaning. Entitlement was claimed and felt like there was a grudge being held against her by the authors.
see this is where you take like we’re being what supremacists by just pointing out that sometimes it’s inflammatory from what shit you say to. Everyone isn’t immune to it despite certain exaggerations there are huge numbers of actual concrete evidenced convictions of rape from black men to white women. Violent crime…