
this is different. Her mentor, someone she personally proclaims is very serious influence on her, siraj wahaj has openly talked about shariah law. He said, “when democracy crumbles, shariah will still stand” this is her influence. This guy had tied to an early world trade center bomb plot

jesus christ this has been the best one so far. They have so much dysfunction

Kushner literally owns 666 5th avenue... and these nutjobs said Obama was the antichrist

I want u to do that so I can get a wii u lol

wow im glad I took the time to listen to this. great job

mental gymnastics. FUCK THIS RACIST SHIT BLOG

I’m not sure if this is sarcasm. But if it is, this is shit writing filling a metaphor as if it was written as a direct allegory to American slavery. Just another flaming pile of garbage thrown on top of the Victimhood Complex Tire Fire

Lincoln freed the slaves. Doesn’t mean he thought they actual human beings with rights, just that slavery should be abolished

yes that’s the point of the story. Let’s no ignore the fact that Dany freed them and had her council beat back the slavers again (diplomatically). But make it simplistic (but they’re just slaves to Dany!!) I’m sure if they believed the fight wasn’t righteous they wouldn’t be fighting. There’s nothing wrong with

race baiting garbage from a shit blog. awful awful racist bullshit

dont play either because they are both health bar watch-fests. Except instead of watching just your enemies minions health bars, you also have to watch your own allies health bars. The game(s) is(are) tedious for tedious sake.

why is this guy such a little power tripping bitch? This is the capitalist theory of money = intelligence being put on display

good. don’t want you anyways. Ya know that “tracker bug” shit happened a year ago? The game is different in a lot of ways now. Now you have rare pokemon spawn near pokestops and the tracker shows which pokestop they are near. They spawn right on the pokestops. So just because you hooked onto a fad for a week with a

I just don’t understand how niantics people and Verizon/ATTs people weren’t in contact. They’re planning an event that was openly advertised globally to 60+ million active daily players and didn’t think to secure the one thing real in this imaginary pocket collector... the internet/GPS signal. Also they didn’t have

well that’s what you get when you put a blissey in there, you asshole. I have a +90% 2100 machamp that can’t beat Blissey simply because of time. Know that if you have a Blissey in a gym that most people cannot solo it out of there.

please don’t apologize to any of these idiots on this blog. This blog is unabashedly racist but the writers/readers would never admit it because somehow they feel immune to racism? Why isn’t it a two way street? Katy Perry comes out and admits her pop music lately has been a vapid/voiceless message. She tries to

Remember when this blog was doing that series where the one guy was going around visting black landmarks? 1. all the landmarks were dilapidated structures, he visited this nasty looking kitchen that was not up to health code. 2. In one of his visits to a mechanic shop filled with older black men he wrote something

and all blacks are immaculate examples of humanity with no racism in their hearts. This blog is the most racist and divisive blog on the Gizmodo network. Yall still call each other the N-word when that’s a symbol of racist oppression. And guess who you oppress? yourselves. fuck this blog and it’s racist connotations.

Finally an FPS that takes some fuckin’ skill. Got sick of playing Overwatch which is just, “HOW FAST CAN WE LAYER TWO ULTIMATES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”

leave it to the right-ring trolls to find a talking point about abortion in relation to an event that had NOTHING to do with that. Fuck off please