Wow. Using an item designed for death (mass death considering it’s mounted and likely automatic) to celebrate life. Do these morons not see how back-ass-wards this is? It’s a perpetual state of nonsense
Wow. Using an item designed for death (mass death considering it’s mounted and likely automatic) to celebrate life. Do these morons not see how back-ass-wards this is? It’s a perpetual state of nonsense
Especially for this dude having suffered the injuries he has, very well spoken and very logical.
I was really looking forward to the Rubio to Butler connection
yea I have no idea what the fuck the bulls were thinking. How do you trade your superstar that just set career highs for some chump that just tore his ACL? My guess, the tank has rolled into the windy city. Time to hunker down to the bottom of the barrel zzz
Agreed this is especially worrying being a member of Instinct. I feel the only reasons we had any gyms on my campus was because they were vacant when the update rolled out. I’ll have to see what it looks like after the coming weekend, though I have a feeling I’ll be seeing a lot of... red. *sigh*
actually if you are the defending team, you can use berries to “restore” lost CP from battles on the defending ‘mons. Each berry you use grants +20 stardust (though some people mentioned candy, I have only been getting the stardust) At some point though the game prevents more berries from being applied saying “This…
tho I do like getting +20 stardust for each berry use. I now have a use for those nanab berries (curveball every throw and you’ll hardly ever miss)
So now the most dominant team in the area will get all the coins while the rest get nothing. I’m not totally set on an opinion of this update, but it seems just a tad worse (less coins for more effort) than it was before
yea 1 coin per hour (max coins you can earn a day: 100) That means you’d have to have a ‘mon in ten gyms for ten hours. That seems a bit preposterous, especially for an Instinct member such as myself.
now it’s even harder. If there was a 2-3 level gym pre-update I could take it out after about 3-5 rounds of battling. Now I have to beat one pokemon about 7-9 times before just that pokemon is gone. That doesn’t account for the defender chuckin berries into the mix. It’s really oriented towards larger groups of…
I’m not fucking through with you yet either. I also know a good friend’s brother that is... a bit odd. He’s a bit anti social and doesn’t leave his room much. This dude found this game and ran with it. He used it last summer to shed about 20 pounds. He had routes drawn that would efficiently use and abuse the stupid…
Wow here we go with the “I hate things that other people enjoy, am I cool now?” Seriously. Fuck off. I have a few friends that don’t like to drink and aren’t terribly social. PoGo gives us a reason to hang out and chit chat (even though it’s game related) it gives us an objective. I’ve also met dozens of people…
I live in a mid western college town and I pop into town about once a week to load up on items. Knowing most dweebs loving anime (your prof picture) I severely doubt you go outside anyways. Quit whining and find a real hobby that will get you out of your 2k population podunk town
the tickets to their one year anniversary event sold out in about 10 minutes... I know because I was trying unsuccessfully to buy one zzz
The only thing you are proving to me is that youre a douche
really good sign of an education there huh, bub? Felt bad about being white and that the police lie? Just what our children need today, a little self-hatred and hate for authority
Maybe stop having children if you are mentally incapable of caring for them
thanks for telling everyone how to think. Maybe start thinking yourself
Ill never forget the press conference after they fired Blatt. Griffin was cold blooded and calculating. I went into that conference against the decision and came out of it thinking “I think they got this” I doubt id ever feel the same about billups
Post modernism at it’s absolute finest... and worst