
I’d like to just say something. Can we have a serious discussion of the racism on this website? The root is the most racist and despicable pages you have on your domain. The top comment to their Bill Maher article has this gem in it “I’m wary of trusting white people” Excuse me? Imagine if someone (like Bill Maher)

I’d like to just say something. Can we have a serious discussion of the racism on this website? The root is the most racist and despicable pages you have on your domain. The top comment to their Bill Maher article has this gem in it “I’m wary of trusting white people” Excuse me? Imagine if someone (like Bill Maher)

imagine if Bill Maher said instead “i’m wary of trusting black people” like you just said “i’m wary of trusting white people” holy shit then you would have a reason to hate him. I would even jump on board if he said something like that instead of just dropping an n word for a joke.

lol “wary of trusting white people”

Cant even come up with a response to your mental gymnastic interpretation of the incident. Youre just another knuckle dragging porch monkey

All the comments on this article from what I assume is your target audience is just snarky snark that belongs on twitter. Grow up and come back when you want to have a real conversation and work with people that are saying/doing something, ANYTHING!!! positive for any community. Ungrateful fucking niggers

I think if you keep guilting these people into not vocalizing their support kind of defeats the purpose of progress. Honestly though, take away their support and what support do you have? You can hardly find enough support to stop young men from impregnating women and looking for a job within your own community, be

people without careers demand someone with a career to be fired over his literal use of free speech. And you moon crickets cheer that on

yup that’s what I look for in a good comedian, how much they hurt black people. He didn’t say it being angry or even negatively talking about anyone. He had an off color response to “come work in the field with us” Anything for virtue signaling I suppose. Meanwhile here’s an actual idiot saying actual hurtful things!!!

The root is the worst gizmodo blog BY FAR. Black people say that fucking word 100x just to finish lazy rhymes then this guy makes a joke using free speech saying a word and it’s like the world is ending. Get your priorities straight.

I guess “being too tough” includes letting him open a children’s charity that has 100% complete access to the university’s faculties for many years after his tenure. It’s actually ironic knowing all that they knew about Sandusky and still let him keep operating

Pirates Vikings Knights II


Well that was a thoroughly disgusting read. Time to shower

he becomes a lot more “tangentially important” when he has his hands on emails between the DNC and campaign staff. That’s like saying Chelsea Manning wasn’t important and that she shouldn’t be for that reason. Uhh she became a lot more important when she leaked information that our Government was spying/lying

This is seriously disgusting wishing death on someone like that. No voices deserved to be squelched, or questions allowed to be silenced. Hannity has expressed several times that he respects his counterparts in Maddow/O’Donnel/Anderson and he would not want their voices hushed. This is a dangerous comment that just

Hilary didn’t put a campaign headquarters in Wisconsin. Do you think that she was running a smooth campaign? Especially at this point in the year when she HAD TO have been feeling some heat. Her rallies were pathetic and Trumps were drawing huge attention (protests/actual support). Also if this Seth Rich thing is

honestly this kind of talk doesn’t make sense. I’d rather the Celtics try just because it DOES make it more interesting

Fear is powerful

The root is racist garbage anyway