
stopped reading when I read micro-aggression

those tight turns where he rides the wall have a lot of rubber on them. Idk this shit is ridiculous that he never drops below 225.

That’s actually fucked up. why couldn’t we expect more crashes there during a race?

2 words, jersey sales

team down by 30+ points

those last two ring truest

not an experienced, hyper in his prime Lebron (with spo, bosh, wade, allen) hell, LeBron inherited Ray Allen from that very celts team

I went to that game we had a 25 point lead. That was demoralizing

Give me Blue Bulls or give me death!

Give me Blue Bulls or give me death!

because they feel great when someone takes a seat on your face

lets not forget Zeke Elliot

I think the thing that irks people is that all these goons keep getting NFL contracts/drafted despite having multiple domestic battery charges against them. Throw in the fact that the NFL has informants in the DEA to let them know when they’re going to search team buses (to hide painkillers) on cross state trips and

I think the thing that irks people is that all these goons keep getting NFL contracts/drafted despite having multiple domestic battery charges against them. Throw in the fact that the NFL has informants in the DEA to let them know when they’re going to search team buses (to hide painkillers) on cross state trips and

You hear (1:12), “Get the first aid!” then a shot from a different angle with the “Star” where she has her head covered with the boat at a much quicker pace. It’s shot like a storyboard, get outttttta heeere

and we’ve been invading our oceans and reefs :(

Do you talk to anyone in real life anyways? 774 hour whiner detected

I’m not gonna trust the review of a person that spent 774 hours of their life sitting and staring at a screen voluntarily. I stopped reading after your first point because I determined you are one of those idiots that can hate something after mindlessly toying with it for almost a thousand hours. shoo, go away moron

oh look everyone, ANOTHER retard!

Look everyone, a retard!

Fuck off, you boot-licking retard