
This is why no one reads this blog, racist talk like yours. And to be perfectly honest with you, look at african-american high school graduation rates. If you can call out a race of people for hating your children, then you can accept the fact that young blacks (men especially) aren’t helping themselves by not working

I love the sound of your voice in my headphones. It’s sweet with little golden honey pops on the right syllables. basically I’m turned on

definitely gonna use it to fuck

definitely gonna use it to fuck

I guess it’s entertainment but in the grand scheme of things you aren’t really PRODUCING a tangible real thing so you’re kind of at the will of the market. I’m guessing that WWII is iffy cause of holocaust and all that that entails. Either way I think WWII was just a cop-out also it’s poorly politically timed.

Man I loved when he was on the Pacers... he’s been ring huntin’ lately with spurs/warriors

please refer to my last line

I do not see it as a “gay blowjob” is shameful for our “tough guy” president. It’s showing that he’s being vlads footstool, doing anything and everything to please him

it gets a little obsessive and odd when you see some of these viewers donation totals. On Chu8's measely stream of average ~2k viewers nightly some people have donated 8k plus in under 8 months. That’s a little ridiculous, but ya know capitalism and freedom

It brings to life a bitter reality, that this visitor has already been in the streamers home and life. He feels welcomed inside in a certain way already. I really like this image

dude has hardly ever been injured while averaging top 3 in minutes played league wide almost every season

Lol he’s the founder of fucking FACEBOOK and you’re surprised he’s out here shilling for publicity. jesus

sigh this is depressing. I don’t understand that articles mention that he might go down to orlando to “reunite” with Vogel.... didn’t Bird fire Vogel? Also thanks for that Bird, leaving us with a no-name low-talent coach then bolting the year afterwards

lol for real bro?

Jim Harbaugh is a national treasure

We get it, you don’t have any actual wit to write an article from an unbiased standpoint about how maybe the Pacers are exciting at the right time for their shot in the playoffs. Instead you got your asshole puckered around Spoelstra’s little finger, leaving us with creative artful thinking like “wow pacers fuckin’



lol lance shot like 60% from the field this game, he made so many shots happen. Please actually watch the game before you open your mouth and prove to everyone you are a dumbass

I stopped reading when you said “strongest healer” lol her healing is about half as much as Ana. People bitching here think they’re doing their team and the world this massive favor by playing mercy even though her impact on the game is much less than Lucio or Ana. But since they think they’re so Godly and Merciful

Lol if you are in bronze trying to main healer you aren’t gonna go anywhere. Pick up solider, actually put some effort into trying to aim, and you will climb out of bronze easily. Seriously it isnt blizzards fault, healers enable your team. That means if your team is bad... well you aren’t going to fare much better.