
Nope, he was actually trying to get Hillary to spread her insult out to more people to reduce its potency.

It may be, I just didn’t want to overstate the point because this is hard to quantify. The intellectuals and activists I pay attention to support Sanders, but I’m biased because I support Sanders, so the discourse I am reading is slanted toward that progressive, intersectional thinking. It’s also difficult to get an

I’m baffled by this myself. My GF says its because way too many of ‘us’ aren’t doing our homework and voting solely on name recognition and who our pastor says to vote for. I don’t totally disagree.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

There is nothing that shows Clinton is electable and Sanders is not, except for the gut instinct of the moderate and conservative Democrats. There is nothing that demonstrates Sanders is less likely to win against Trump than Clinton. Some polls show the opposite, but I don’t believe those either—the general election

I’m sure Clinton has at least two firm opinions on it.


I was dying at the Internet freaking out about Leo’s win last night.

Calling the guy who just demanded the families of his enemies to be murdered a “relative moderate” should really tell you everything you need to know about american politics.

I don't even mind Leonardo DiCaprio, but I just wanted him to lose so, so, much. And for Mad Max to win Best Picture. But I'm one of those people who can't have nice things.

Bet you some of them are just really amazing Aunts.

Tangentially relevant.

Kay, KKK.

the cost of living has risen since then, and it’s safe to conclude that salaries have risen along with it.

“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the

Oh, shit. This is the most I’ve ever liked Zuckerberg. That third paragraph is quite succinct and effective.