
I thought it was well known that if you want to be a female pop star, part of the deal was that Dr Luke got access to you. On gossip sites, like ONTD, it has been a well known fact for years. Same with Crosby and other pieces of shit. But I guess we need a male comedian to make a joke about it before they take women

Even the deposition seems to raise more questions for Luke than Kesha. The fact that they knew to ask those specific questions about him drugging and raping her five whole years ago seems to be more evidence that she isn’t just making it up out of he blue.

This one is:

Have you read Lolita? It's about this girl who goes on trips and stuff with an older friend.

War and Peace: Child’s card game and my favorite Beanie Baby.

A Tale of Two Cities: It's a memoir about living in London vs. Paris.

I also read a book. It was called 1984. It’s about this guy and his big brother.

The “it’s about architecture and architects” had me DYING.

And as we’ve seen over and over in so many woman-centric arenas—sexual assault prevention foremost among them—the impulse to protect is very different from the impulse to ensure equity, and the two things, worked out in practice, are often exactly at odds.

It’s nuts, right?

I think it’s more of an issue of Jez becoming more pop culture than activist, not bias (which I realize you’re not saying, but to merely add to your comment).

First, they’re a blog, not a news outlet. Second, they talk all the time about nearly every endorsement made by a celeb...for God’s sake, they had a huge article yesterday about that z-lister Donnie Wahlberg endorsing Rubiobot. And they recently had one about Lena Dunham endorsing Hillary. There’s no controversy here.

You sussed me out. The socialism, the queer identity, the IQ above room temperature, it’s all a long con. I’m really a GOP activist.

Sanders is not a third-party candidate taking votes from the Democratic ticket, no.

smh you are a cruz shill in disguise aren’t you

I didn’t mention Bernie Sanders because the question was about Hilary Clinton. Here is some additional context: “In her support for the 1994 crime bill, for example, she used racially coded rhetoric to cast black children as animals. “They are not just gangs of kids anymore,” she said. “They are often the kinds of

Nouns were one of the key tools the CIA used to topple legitimate governments in the past 50 years. And that’s because nouns and other parts of speech help solidfy our class systems, with most of the new predicates have gone to the 1%. In a Bernie Sanders administration, such grammar differences would have been to be

Only according to your establishment dictionaries....