
I didn’t mention Bernie Sanders because the question was about Hilary Clinton. Here is some additional context: “In her support for the 1994 crime bill, for example, she used racially coded rhetoric to cast black children as animals. “They are not just gangs of kids anymore,” she said. “They are often the kinds of

Nouns were one of the key tools the CIA used to topple legitimate governments in the past 50 years. And that’s because nouns and other parts of speech help solidfy our class systems, with most of the new predicates have gone to the 1%. In a Bernie Sanders administration, such grammar differences would have been to be


Only according to your establishment dictionaries....


Meet my 3 sisters: Faithful, Hopeful, and Charitable.

Nouns are for Wall Street fatcats. The revolution is sponsored by adjectives.

“y”,”ulent”, “y”, tce” Boom, fixed.

Meh, if that’s the worst gaff he commits, that's not so bad.

You’re insistence on properly identifying part’s of speech is whats keeping us from the revolution.

Those are also 4 of the most disliked Care Bears ever.

Bernie is too busy fighting the good fight to be bothered with parts of speech. In fact, Bernie is so active that the only part of speech he knows is the verb.

Your insistence on properly identifying parts of speech is what’s keeping us from the revolution

Kesha’s mom made the announcement via twitter

Exactly this. The “let’s be realistic” crowd are the same ones that took a public option off the table re: the ACA before negotiations even started, and then we ended up with RomneyCare.

I don't get it. He can barely get on the field for Notre Dame, but the SEC wants him?