Well, Nate Silver certainly disagrees. See his article “Stop comparing Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders:
Well, Nate Silver certainly disagrees. See his article “Stop comparing Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders:
This is an A+ analogy.
I watched only the first and last third of the Black and Brown Forum because I’m not wasting my time on O’Malley. I’m okay with him being at the debate as long as he doesn’t whine, but I can’t say it’s my first preference. After the last debate, I was hoping I’d be free of him at last.
Kanye might have given Kim 150 presents this past Christmas, but never forget this, the very best (worst) Christmas gift of 2013
Most of the industry insiders agree that they were equivalent roles and really should both be in the actress category, but this usually harms the chances of both people by splitting the vote. That’s potentially why both Oscar voters and a movie campaign might place one in the supporting category.
It did qualify and literally everyone had Elba on their shortlist of predictions for nominations. It’s a pretty egregious snub.
You have that reversed. The Dems have a better chance of taking back the Senate, but almost no chance of taking back the House even though gains are expected. Dems do better in presidential election years, plus the Republican candidates could lose them down-ballot votes. However:
She doesn’t have liberal bona fides, even in America. She is the centrist that you are arguing she needs to run as to win. She is not a progressive. You support her, but I don’t and it rankles that you support denying me an active role in the primary.
Buy yourself a Jo Malone four wick-candle for just $455 at Nordstrom.
Signed it.
Also, here’s the thing, whether the debates are on weekends or not, sound bites can just as easily be used. The only reason to schedule the dates as they have been scheduled is to suppress viewership.
The DNC’s job is to be an apparatus to the Democratic party, not to pick winners and losers.
Funny, you just gave a different reason for the debate schedule than Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s gave. The whole point of this article and the complaints is that she likely shares your reasoning (to a point because national polling definitely shows that Bernie can win against the Republicans). She is meant to be…
If he’s not going to win on the merits, why not let Hillary prove her own by actually letting Dem voters watch and judge?
And I don’t know who does the polls. Maybe he does the polls, but I think they’re done by American companies actually.
All 4 guns were legally purchased. We’re not selling too many guns and too much ammunition?
Maybe not saying that Monica Lewinsky is a narcissistic loony toon or referring to accusers (of someone other than her husband/GOP Senator Bob Packwood) as “whiny women” or calling Gennifer Flowers “trailer trash.” These weren’t public statements, but she did make them. In the heat of the disclosure, she is only…
Why deploy him to campaign though? Hilary’s continued strength among African-American and Hispanic voters, the area where Bernie is struggling, IS Bill Clinton. I’m not cynical enough to say it is only a strategic choice to remind voters of her association with him, but it is a valuable choice if it wins her the…