
Same same. E46s are basically worthless but I'm keeping that thing on the road beyond all reason.

I hear the gear selector is a little stiff, you really need to shove it into overdrive. 

Right into it, yes.

Do you use a highway to get to the danger zone?

Minus the helical LSD. I just wish the SI also came in a hatchback. 

If everyone will drive electric cars in the future, why do we have to worry about this?

You get to name every eel. Sparky, Eelektrik, Mark Oliver Everett...

As Doctor Who once said: “You’re Scottish! Fry something!” And because Scotland is a wee country, I can claim multiple foodstuffs as being iconic to my home city! (If you don’t like it, see that man over there? Go and ask him if he has a spare fuck to give. And yes, that is something that Mummy Vinegar once said to my

3 C8s*

They all come with manuals.   The problem is that they are in the glovebox and start off with explained how to get the car out of Park.

Gears 1-3: $45 USD per month.

I can’t wait.

Don’t need no stinkin’ solid axles.

That SUV has now seen more crawling than the average Wrangler. *zips up flame suit*

Finally, someone using their mall-crawler for a mall-crawling-adjacent activity.

Toyota and BMW are basically the only Android Auto holdouts at this point. It’s stupid and no way in hell would I buy a brand new car in 2019 without Android Auto. 

My guess? The only thing that’s new is the engine placement.

I’d totally watch a show where you solved auto-related mysteries. Call it Encyclopedia Brown Manual Wagon.

Of course these were shitty beaters, look at what happened to one of them:

You really don’t see any Celica of this generation that’s not cosplaying as some hideous Fast and the Furious car anymore.