
Funny, the people whose opinions actually matter (FWONA, the FIA, the teams, etc.) disagree with you.

Nope. Unless everyone on the grid was given specific instructions that they would have to answer questions from Martin Brundle if asked as a condition of entry, She’s allowed to say no.

Let’s say Brundle cornered the noted racing and privacy enthusiast Dave Letterman- does he have to answer questions just because he’s on the grid?

Did she “owe” anyone anything? Nope

You had me right up until “rebuilt title”.   Perhaps irrational, but an automatic ND from me at that point.

I can confidently say that, in my years of commuting on the subway and seeing all manner of people onboard, I haven’t killed a single one of them.

It really ramped up when Reagan” is an acceptable comment about most of our current problems.

The guy who killed him was more of a threat but you’re not concerned about him at all. What’s the solution for people looking for any opportunity to commit violent acts against others?

Shorter Kommandante: “Screw him. He deserved it.”

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Americans are, generally, extremely overworked and underpaid. People are justifiably angry and frustrated about that. And instead of directing that anger and frustration at corporations and political leaders from both parties, we are directing that at each other because

Windshields aren’t the only place that Elon can’t get rid of grimes.

it’s Literally Lipstick on a Pig. There is no way that’s not intentional. BMW is mocking their customers unreal! 

What I didn’t realize at the time was that this was the original NSX formula, just with a tie to the future. Here was a supercar that you could genuinely live with every day, getting decent gas mileage while doing so.

It’s following the same logic as the EP3/DC5 of the early 00s. The base integra is a civic SI, the integra-S is a civic R, and there was eventually an integra R a slot above that.

That’s proven to be ineffective in many cases. Philando Castile did exactly that. He told the cop he had a gun, made very sure not to reach for it and also made very sure to follow the cop’s orders, and when he followed the cop’s order to hand over his ID, the cop fired 7 times and murdered him.

Any criminal, SovCit dipshit or not, who wants a gun will get a gun whether it’s legal or not because criminals generally don’t care about following the law.

Sovereign Citizens and related movements don’t so much scream “mentally ill” as they scream “Nobody can tell me what to do”.

Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?

Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?

While this is definitely a more sympathetic case for the cops than other situations where someone is killed, based on the write up, it sounds like an excessive use of violence by the police. And another example of why cops need better training and hiring policies need to focus on finding people who are able to better