
Ok, Mazda. I want you to hear me out on this...

Correct. Straight six all the cars!

I can’t be the only person that doesn’t understand this insane obsession with a late-90s Toyota, right?

More than you can afford, pal.  Supra.

Apparently you pissed off all the people that tow bulldozers seven days a week.

“If it’s my personal tunnel that runs from home to work I’m cool with the tunnel”

I checked this out last weekend at my dealer. You know how the 928 and the Panamera both look better in person than they do in photographs? You may still dislike one or both models, but for some reason, those two models almost always look better in person.

My dad bought it in ‘84 and drove it once. He passed in1984 and my brother and I passed it back and forth. It eventually became mine and my oldest son calls dibs on it, so in my lifetime, that’s forever

Can’t come up with 6 figures?

It doesn’t take my data, and sell it on the open market.

Coming 2021 

It’s like when those old rock bands can’t even fill a high school auditorium with their own star power anymore—so they team up with a likewise demand-challenged band for a “sorta sad, sorta nostalgic” tour.

Man...My cheap-ass Magnum R/T pushes a lot of those buttons.

I hated it at first but it has grown on me like the curse in Princess Mononoke; one day it will kill me, but for now it only gives me incredible and frightening strength to defeat my enemies.

Elizabeth, thank for this article. There will be plenty of creepy dudes whining about it, however, you're doing God's work. Keep it up.

Ok. Wtf. Words I never thought I’d say:

I like this version better. Toyota emerges from the trees and climbs the hill... apparently playing chicken with the man, who throws up his arms in defeat. The Land Cruiser then focuses on the front end loader... and in a surprising move, grasps it with some aftermarket tentacle-like appendage... engaging in a sort of

Take ‘Chopped’ for example. (It’s a cooking competition show on Food Network.) Most of the contestants express some variant of “I’m very competitive”, “I really want to win”, and/or “I don’t like to lose”.

the right ‘wing’ has a fuel gauge, fuel range, outside temp, and your cruise control set speed.