
As soon as I heard that I thought, are we just not gonna discuss the Raw Till 4 Thai Fruit Festival? Because I want to discuss the Raw Till 4 Thai Fruit Festival. Thank you kind soul.

I WOULD click on 500 Days of Vegan YouTube Drama. I can’t get enough of this shit. WHY what is wrong with me?


Fuck all this vegan bullshit, something amazing just happened!

They should do a reboot with an all-female cast instead.

I came here for the outrage at Gwen Stefani’s appropriation. When are my needs going to be met?

I Still Know What Jesus Did Last Summer

So you’re saying the Stanford rapist has either done it before or will do it again? Shocking. Good thing he only got 6 months for that 20 minutes of action, since I’m sure he will never again be a threat to society.

JDepp be like:

Dude (or lady) she’s been lasting 15 *years*! lmao

I mean does he not realize that in that sentence alone, he basically admitted to why he chose them as victims? What a narcissistic asshole.

And, yet, he is in prison and she is not! Ha ha ha!

The literal thought process of a rapist. Picking victims we’re not supposed to feel bad for.

He is pretty much like ‘I couldn’t have raped these women, they are not even really human!’ Yes...THAT IS what a rapist would say.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

Also, props to the SVU detective on his own force that helped to put him away. She's a badass.

Why the fuck are they even interviewing him?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch needs to tone down the thirst. I mean, Jesus.

Man, Clarissa is THIRSTY.

They peaked with the Lotus Birth story. It’s all been downhill from there.