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    DOWNTON ABBEY was laughably pro-aristo.

    So Ravi knows how to fly a broom, too!?

    Hey, who's to say he didn't treat the women he was sleeping with like five-year-olds, too?

    I'm with you. Enough does that to me as it is.

    "If that movie Changeling happened to me I'd be like '…eh, all right, whatever.' "

    Oh, how I miss spit sinks.

    Fried SPAM on buttered white toast. Good, wholesome, American food.

    She was trying for southern. She failed very, very badly.

    Random thoughts:

    I ask again, how can that woman be considered blonde? What are my eyes not seeing?

    I'm with you, MariaVosa.

    Should've been "Don't let the bastinadoes get you down," eh?

    Both, and your mom.


    Is it a spoiler to ask why in hell a nine-year-old boy is named Hedwig?

    "I really like how consistent this new evil pair is in their M.O.
    Threaten lives of loved ones. Kill if necessary to prove you mean it." Hey, it works. Why mess with it?

    Who plays Peus? I can't find this anywhere, and I promise I've tried.

    Too many comments for me to bear reading, unfortunately, 'cause I'd like to see if others also thought Diana's brief conversion to Zerstörer's camp was pointless.

    The SP of her last scene in THE BIRDS, right?

    Why did I post this?