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    You're welcome. I just happened to have looked it up recently (though I double-checked before posting here since I don't trust my memory anymore).

    Seems silly to me that a relationship between people who became step siblings when they were adults should ever be considered taboo.

    She hasn't been raped yet, has she?

    Maggie was 31 when she was made department head. That's still very young for such a position, but any hospital that would put someone in their early twenties in charge of a department would deserve to have its accreditation pulled.

    It just struck how rare it is for a television show to have three leads with vs in their names.


    Better than what happened to that actor's character on Santa Clarita Diet, at least.

    Sure it's been said, but what the hell: Switching the bullets wouldn't explain how shots obviously fired at short range. Not to mention the way the body fell.

    Haven't seen it yet. I'll be back to splutter in forty-odd minutes.

    Bravo! Encore!

    That "Trust no one" was the best part of the episode for me. Made me laugh out loud.

    I figured he realized there was a reason Rowan dumped the body in such an obvious place and that made him check it for hardware.

    My comment to myself at the end of the episode: "Well, that was stupid."

    It was also pretty dumb that she insisted he protect her where she was rather than understanding that the reason he wanted her in Zanzibar was that he couldn't reliably do that.

    Ditto and ditto.

    Seeing Joe Morton play nice made this episode a win for me. He can be so lovely, and I haven't seen that since he started this SCANDAL nonsense.

    Chicago Public Library
    Chicago Post Office
    Chicago Animal Control
    Chicago DMV

    That was almost as stupid as Rowan not knowing from the start that the super bad guys would hold his daughter over his head if the old flame weren't enough. I don't know why they bothered with the old flame, really: why not just keep Olivia under constant threat from the get-go and be done with it?

    Yes. It is an amazing, exotic gift from the gods. I defend it frequently. And once you find out what goes into producing it, my goodness: that's the stuff of great drama.

    Can't really speed up an unadorned strangle.