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    They didn't even need to bother with the magic-is-addictive gimmick. The plain old "power-corrupts-and-absolute-power-corrupts-absolutely" truism would have worked just fine to explain Willow's loss of her grip on morality.

    Apparently Hornsby couldn't pronounce it on the last take, either, 'cause he said it wrong in the version that aired.

    Yeah, like Josh would even notice or understand the concept of a messy bun. The line shows the extent of her delusion beautifully.

    Please see my comment to Flully Flullenberger above. I've only heard/read it described, but that's enough to make the appeal very mysterious to me.

    Never having had it, I always wonder why people like it. For all I know I'd love it, but for now the idea of drinking something with solids in it disgusts me. Do you chew it? Or just let the tapioca wash down your throat as you swallow?

    Josh is a bit smarter but barely more grown up.

    Your gut and mine are in agreement.

    1. Isn't it likely princesskaraoke was saying that, from the way the food looked and was described, she found Shirley's more appealing?

    Based on what we heard—which obviously is not the whole story since the show is carefully edited—the diners liked Brooke's first two courses better than Shirley's, the third course was a tie, and Shirley won dessert. For that reason, based on the information the viewer was given, it was clear Brooke was the winner

    If only Blue had been Cockney instead of a Northerner.

    Not enough sweaters, though.

    1. Kenny was willing to do far too much to avoid the release of a simple masturbation video, so I was suspicious early on.

    Yes, it is only in England that his interest in the heights of things become apparent. Presumably he wouldn't know how to ask the question anywhere else.

    I had no problem with it. Even if a doctor were an owner/board member, there would have to be some way to discipline him or her when necessary. I'm sure if this situation exists in real life, there are careful rules ensuring the separation of church and state.

    I'm fine with Amy Brenneman, but lordy did I hate Violet,

    While you're at it, maybe change "his sister" to "her"?

    Yep. All those German Royals.

    I always think her name should be Padme Amygdala.

    I don't know about Renard, but Sasha Roiz speaks at least three.

    Men are plenty snarky, just not necessarily about clothes or hair (although sometimes even about those).