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    You know, a lot of people say this, but I've never found that women are harder on me or I on them. The reverse, really. Maybe I've been lucky.

    I just had to take a little more time explaining without condescension. With men, I could slash and burn; with women, I had to garden.

    Ooh! This news makes me happy! I wonder if they'll bring Todd Perrin back. He was a sweetie pie and his Newfie food was fun.

    Yes. This is why I generally found it easier to work on books by men back when I was a copy editor: Even the most enlightened men felt superior to me deep down and thus accepted my corrections as the reasonable services of a nanny. Women, on the other hand, tended to receive them as judgments from an equal and so were

    Maurice and Brief Encounter.

    I think they should compete in a classic Spanish bullfight: two bulls each, moment of truth, the whole shebang. The eliminated chefs could serve as banderilleros and picadors. At the end of the corrida, meals would be prepared using the flesh of the slain bulls.

    He could just as easily have understood her to be saying that it was Bonaparte, not Renard, who stabbed him in the back. I don't know if the ambiguity was deliberate, but it was definitely there.

    Thanks for answering so thoughtfully. I'm glad I am mostly oblivious to this kind of thing. It makes it easier for me to enjoy the show.

    May I ask why? (This question is motivated by mere curiosity, by the way; it's not a challenge or anything.)

    It's going to be a treat watching the finale and really not minding who wins (though I'd prefer it be Sheldon, then Brooke, then Shirley).

    Or Scandal or How to Get Away with Murder.

    (Psst—as one pedantic editor type to another, I think you meant "recurrence." "Remission" is every cancer patient's happy ending.)

    Could've been on Z NATION (that's a compliment).

    Did you flush?

    The baby who was named Son of a Bitch by the Falcons fan looked just like Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.


    Hasn't she been on the run/hiding from Royals for most of her short life? I'm guessing her contact with the outside world was severely limited. Probably no contact with kids at all, especially since the chances of her hurting them would be high. But, yeah, you'd think she'd've seen some television, at least.

    Of course you are right. I still hate the whole business, though.

    If only they weren't so determined that everybody be aware of this.

    It would give closure to some loved ones. That's kind of practical.