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    She's only two. Fast grower.

    She was acting in self-defense, not snacking.

    Thank you for suggesting this! I've had no luck getting LCK to play in Firefox this season (my doing—too much security), but it worked a treat in Chrome.

    Salmon and scrambled eggs.

    Kristen does, in my book.

    I hate that poem and the women who deem it gospel.


    No, no—let me explain: having recognized your jerkdom, I now know there's no point bothering to be angry with you. Phew!

    The latest season of SLEEPY HOLLOW is kind of fun so far. Not perfect, of course, and I miss Nicole Beharie, but much improved nevertheless.

    Oh, crap. I forgot that humans can see wesens woge sometimes. I'm an idiot and deserve no forgiveness.

    Dang. I just said that very thing. Yet more proof that I should always read all the comments before putting my oar in.

    Yes, I was sure he was going to turn out to be the true bad guy and El Cuegle kidnapped the baby to save it from his father.

    So much garlic bread!

    She did it much faster than a flame would have, though. No tedious watching of the pot for her.

    Gas leaks.

    I wonder what the best nondaily papers published on other days of the week are.

    That was very interesting. And now I know that those who shanghai are known as crimps.

    All Wesen are Mexicans or radical Muslims, obviously.

    But in a world where monsters are not believed to exist, wouldn't it make sense for her to consider that maybe half-awakedness on top of general exhaustion had caused her to see a monster instead of a man?

    Who knows how many more evil dictators there would've been without him?