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    Bah, any compulsively honest parent would have to do that.

    I know! After all, look how Adam turned out in GOOD OMENS.

    What an unnecessarily rude response. I only asked because I had never come across that nail/hammer expression till I watched that movie the other day, and it was funny coming across it here.

    Poor Sheldon. He'd overdose on pot if put in that position.

    Did she think of that by herself? If so, I am very impressed.

    Ha, I'm so glad to find out that was Brooke. I thought it was Casey, and I resented seeing her doing something I found charming.

    I was so confused by her description. In what way does something encased in bread resemble a macaron?

    In John's defense (something I never thought I'd say), Katsuji needles everyone all the time.

    Are you implying she chews penises?

    You dislike her, too? Thank heaven. I thought I was alone.

    I was very startled that someone (John?) mistook chicken (I think) for ham. Duck for pork, sure. But anything uncured/-smoked for ham? Bizarre.

    I just know Obama didn't take me from crayons to perfume. And that Cecily Strong's voice isn't strong enough to handle a solo. And that Sasheer Zamata's harmonizing was painfully off.


    And your point is . . . ?

    You may end liking him. Or at least hating him less.

    As the series progresses, one understands them more. Which is not to say they don't remain flawed humans.

    So did I. Possibly at more than one point.

    Just because panna cotta is thickened only with gelatin. Also, though cornstarch would not alter the taste or the look, it would change the texture.

    You're not alone.

    I've seen the whole thing, too, and I definitely wouldn't say so.