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    As Hans Christian Andersen did before him, on viewing THE LITTLE MERMAID.

    Nice cloacae, though.

    Oh, I always thought it was intentional, meant both to disguise and to terrify (if it was blood). The blotch of red in the last scene of this episode seemed purely decorative, however.

    Pretty sure it was "load the guns."

    Wasn't that supposed to be blood then? I assumed that's what it was this time, too. (I know blood wouldn't stay red like that, but I chalked that up to poetic license.)

    Ha! I was just going to bring up Buffy—although I think the pattern of people blaming her for doing what needs to be done, doubting her choices even though more than nine times out of then she's proven right, and punishing her when she dares occasionally to be human started long before season 7 (her welcome home after

    And the guilt of causing pain to the people who care about him.

    Is your name here a dyslexic homage to Ukrainian name suffixes?

    "I always put on sunglasses to commit arson at night to a landlocked boat." Well, one would, if driven by a need to look cool (in a hackneyed kind of way).

    Maybe he got his boyfriend know-how from Travis Bickle.

    It was to me.

    And by "sealed," you mean air-tight, right?

    Hmm. I am devoted to soup and stew. I guess it's the combination of cold (semi)liquids and chewing that gives me the shudders.

    I've never had one of those, either, but, yes, the idea of having to chew a milkshake doesn't appeal to me either.

    Pity the toothless zombie. Poor, frustrated thing.

    Yes, and I thought he did pretty well for a guy whose brain was bird food.

    He's a born cultist.

    "We don't use people as things quite as much or quite as blatantly"? Maybe in the worlds we AV Club readers inhabit, but HARLOTS' horrors and worse abound all over the world.

    What is the name of the actress who plays the abortionist? I can't remember and it's driving me nuts. All I can recall is that she played the sister of a central character in some English drama, possibly a crime show. And even that memory may be false.

    If George Howard were the worst man in HARLOTS' London, this would be a much kinder and gentler show.