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    Plus blue blood, so he could feel posh.

    What can I say? To me, Portia seemed not just self-absorbed and shallow but dumb as well.

    Sure, but the character didn't seem to have the brains to conceive of the trick. It's a clever, subtle punishment, and there's nothing clever or subtle about Portia.

    How did Keith know to go to Montreal, much less to the right house? Are we supposed to assume he spoke to Agnes Cho? Maybe she got another $5000 off him?

    It was well done but way too smart for the character.

    Wow, that's much simpler than I expected. I thought there were flavorings in addition to gentian. This would be a breeze to make. Thank you!

    I thought he was being oblivious and insensitive and infuriating, and her reaction was entirely understandable. Funny how people can see the same thing so differently.

    Probably had milk and lemon juice or vinegar, though, which is a decent substitute.

    So he returned to his roots, then? (He's the one who dealt when he was younger, right?)

    You make your own Suze? Care to share your recipe? I started making amari last year, so I've got the gentian root on hand.

    Allen's, to be precise.

    I just read 5'7", but, yeah, I had no idea he's so wee, either.

    Yup, she jumped off the cliff after Addy bulldozed the Man off it. Then 5k followed, for some reason.

    I love LEXX! And, yes, there are some similarities.

    When Michonne dragged that zombie off by its legs in the cold open, not only were the soles of its work boots pristine but the treads showed no signs of wear. This annoyed the bejesus out of me for some reason.

    I'm screwed then. Not a quick study.

    Jesus, only costumers can boycott? No wonder they hardly ever work.

    And Tyler, too?

    This, this, a thousand times this.

    Yes, she's older—that's why the Man says, "What the hell happened to you?" when he takes the bag off her head.