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    My favorite of the night.

    Yeah. Charitably, I decided to assume that was a typo.


    I like your father. He'd get along well with my 84-year-old mother.

    And . . . paus . . . ing . . . be . . . tween . . . each . . . syl . . .la . . . ble.

    Possible future episodes:

    Keith Allen is great. Much greater than his progeny.

    "Pour l'encouragement des étrangers," vous voulez dire?

    It would've been great if they'd cast Blair and Burstyn. I wonder if they tried. Both do TV work, but maybe they were busy or didn't want to revisit the roles. Too bad, if so.

    Boy oh boy, that Tomás is weak-willed.

    Agreed. I especially hate that the powers-that-be decided she needed to show cleavage.

    Combinations are fascinating. I was sure, for example, that Bob Morley had some aboriginal blood in him, but in fact he's half Australian/Irish (which, come to think of it, could involve some aboriginal influence) and half Filipino.

    I think the very stupidity of her death made it powerful.

    I am sure it was the Ark: a vessel carrying the lone survivors of a species.

    I'm where you were seven months ago. It has been difficult.

    This has been bothering me a lot. Although now that we know the Commander is linked to Alie, I'm thinking the computer manipulated the recovering civilization, deliberately keeping things primitive so that humans couldn't ruin the planet again.

    One filters the marrow to isolate the stem cells and injects those into the recipient's bloodstream.

    With you. I can't stand Abby.

    There are forty-odd Sky People and who knows how many Grounders in the mountain.