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    It was incredibly silly but kind of a relief after the somberness of this season so far.

    Tony is an ex-Jet. Jeez.

    Upvoted for AMERICAN GOTHIC reference. Such a good show that was.

    Vancouver and environs for both.

    I just checked; it's not from PETER AND THE WOLF.

    Because you're Zardoz, obviously.

    I know! Always bothered me.

    Yes, that was a relief.

    True, but the odds are it was her doing.

    Badass? First, she becomes so absorbed with looking at her truck's engine—which she has left running—that a zombie gets close enough to grab her, then she relaxes in the cab with the window wide open without checking to see whether it's safe. And let's not forget last week, when she stored her weapon in a toolbox in

    Yes, the one time she was supposed to show strong emotion, and she failed massively.


    You talking about the Gadarene swine? That has nothing to do with turning disbelievers into swine. (At their request, Jesus sends the demons—the celebrated Legion—possessing some guy into a herd of swine, which then rush off an embankment into a lake and drown.

    Fruitcake can be good.

    Also it didn't work.

    I ended up liking OLYMPUS. Surprised the hell out of me.

    What a filthy name you have, monsieur.

    It should also be "Laos-by-way-of-Beijing," not the reverse.

    I didn't expect it to be covered, but I'd've liked it to be. I thought the premiere—which I watched a month or so ago, when it was sneak-previewed—was very promising, and the second episode filled in the back story pretty efficiently. I'm looking forward to watching more.

    Alycia/Alicia's slips slightly now and then, but the other two sound good to me.