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    "A white man is still far more likely to be shot by police" = false. More white men may have been shot by police than black men, but proportionally black men—people—are more likely to be shot by police than white people are, three times more likely according to the stats I've found. In addition, 50 percent more black

    So I guess GAME OF THRONES has a big deck of those cards?

    Just ten minutes in to this episode, but I am greatly irked by the fact that the reverend is now convinced Mildred was the single failure among all his exorcisms, while at the end of the previous episode he had come to believe that more demons may still be lurking in people he thought he'd successfully cleansed. And

    Start wearing purple!

    Wish he had Gene Hunt's accent, hard though it would be to explain in West Virginia.

    But they'll be so cute!

    Cousins marrying was common before the Civil War, and by the 1920s only two-thirds of the states had banned it. There were plenty of legal opportunities for Lovecraft's forebears to produce inbred spawn.

    i thought that was the worst joke of the series. Just didn't buy that Ben would make that mistake, dumb as he is.

    Del is a sweetie.

    Yeah, the shift is absolutely in character, but we've never seen Darby portray it before (he must've enjoyed the change). Between it and the deadly disease—not to mention the mob justice and rampant lying—this ain't no tropical paradise.

    Have you kept up with the show?

    This show has gotten quite dark.


    "A healthy dose of sexual tension"—huh, never knew that about Ronnie and Tip.

    Abre los Ojos was pretty neat.

    Or torrent 'em.

    I learned from Twitter today that only fat, ugly, bitter feminists could possibly believe such nonsense.

    No, indeed! What you are proposing is so enlightened and your generosity in sharing your wisdom with me is so humbling that I've experienced a small brainstorm.


    Good point. Maybe we'd be better off turning the reins over to someone(thing) else.