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    Anyone who pirates would get it.

    The threads that suspend people's disbeliefs let go at different points. Bizarrohairhelmet's snapped; yours didn't.

    Yes, What happens when there are no seeds for that damning photograph you're using to blackmail your boss?

    Or like the surname of the actress who plays MAD MEN's busty Joan.

    "Unwittingly built an AI that does something very useful," Sure, to our robot overlords.

    My thoughts exactly!

    From California? Wonder why it's available there and not in Maine, where it is revered. Peculiar.

    Or a Nazi.

    During the potluck dinner, you mean? Yeah, that was heavy-handed.

    Season 2 not being reviewed? Pity.

    Also, Emma was working in China, not Japan.


    Bet it was Angie Harmon.

    Forgot all about this show. Goodie. Now I can gobble up the second season in one sitting.

    Aw. Chuck. I miss that dumb show.

    It didn't work as comfort food for me because all that damn privilege made me sick. A lot of other USA shows of that era diverted me plenty, though.

    Yep. I'm regularly surprised when I register that something I thought happened recently took place a decade ago. Getting old is weird.

    I liked the American version better, too, and I've never liked Jeffrey Donovan as much as I did when he was playing David Creegan.

    It is such a pity the AV Club decided to drop coverage of 12 Monkeys, especially since season 2 has gotten better and better as it goes along. Reading the reviews and comments here would have been such a good way to prolong my enjoyment of each episode of the show.

    In that case, he'd be insane to change his opinion.