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    The thing about last straws is that they can be very, very tiny, so if the various points Jafafa Hots were what broke his back, I ain't gonna argue. Me, for some reason, I'm enjoying this season, not just a million times more than the last but also more than I've liked TWD for ages. I have no idea why, but I'm not

    Literally, a single pubic hair, but figuratively, yeah, asshole, more or less.

    If Celia raised Thomas, where the hell did he get his accent?

    Guess I'm going to keep going.

    Sara and Jax's unlikely expertise with future/alien technology brings to mind Dawn Summers's sudden ability to translate ancient texts in season 7 of BUFFY.

    Spider Baby was a fun movie. Happy to be reminded of it.

    Asians can have frizzy hair (Alex's hardly qualifies as an Afro). And, unkempt, I'm sure it can get quite big. Take a gander at some pictures of Yoko Ono or Sandra Oh, and imagine what that hair would look like exposed to sea air for any length of time.

    So they are treating audience members as peers?


    He wandered away and blundered into dangerous pickles frequently on the farm. He also had a creepy thousand-yard-stare back then.

    I knew a Schuyler back then, but he was a boy.

    Hey, useless dad knows how to jump start a fancy boat.

    Chris is early Korll if Korll had been a teenager then.

    She wanted to. You could see her controlling the impulse just before she lets the dummy weep on her bosom.

    Some Asians have curly hair. Sandra Oh, for example.

    Blood 'n' guts do wonders for the complexion.

    Yes, I loved that: Throw your lot in with a bunch of strangers because your family has done some bad things and will abandon you someday while we strangers who have done worse things never will.


    While women do it effortlessly.