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    Everyone misunderstood that poor robot's constant cries of "Danger! Will Robinson!"

    Bill Mumy!

    I.e., likes ladies.

    You must like The Dick Van Dyke Show.

    I would, but only because the actor who plays him does a good job being a likable creep, so I'm not surprised they softened the character some.

    Having just watch episode 2, I think you're right.

    Syfy is a lot better than it was a few years ago.

    Not to an editor (AKA persnickety pain in the ass—apologies).

    Not that one, no. But in any case I was objecting more to the notion that avoiding such mistakes requires merciless self-editing. A casual proofing should be sufficient.


    Vanilla cake is great, you philistine!

    McDouche has a nice ring.

    Pretty sure it's in Flemish.

    Yup. After the triple crown.

    It really is, though. I haven't come across it in the store in ages.

    He's got a big blind spot when it comes to his brother.


    Yep. Nice to know I'm not alone in thinking so, though.

    But poor old Thomasin merely trades humanity's patriarchy for Satan's, so she's still screwed in the end. Oh well. I guess as a result she gets to live "deliciously" (said "deliciousness" presumably to include mashing up babies and sexually poisoning barely pubescent boys, among other delights), so it's a better deal?