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    I'm sorry about your cat. I hope its death was as peaceful as such a thing can be.

    True, sometimes. But also, often enough, amnesia, so heartfelt discussion can be a big waste of time.

    The day Rebecca is wearing a red jacket, a black blouse, and a floral-print skirt (red, black, white, green) when she meets Paula. The next day, Paula is wearing a red sweater, a white blouse, and a floral-print skirt (same general color scheme as Rebecca's). So, very similar but not identical. Is it significant that

    Yes, it was very silly: "Oh, look—my adversary is encased in bulletproof armor from the neck down. Obviously, this means I must only aim below his chin. To do otherwise wouldn't be sporting."

    Anyplace would be toxic for Rebecca.

    Hector makes more sense as Greg's Paula. White Josh is too sane.

    Trying to have a healthy conversation with someone on whose extreme drunkenness you have just commented is a tad misguided.

    Greg is a mess, but he was also absolutely right not to trust Rebecca. God, her saying to Josh at the end, "The second I saw you on the street in New York, I just knew you were the answer to all my problems" made me shudder with embarrassment for her.

    Four ns.

    What I don't get is how it's a feminist story, as so many are calling it. When I finished watching the movie, I said to myself, "Well, that was made by someone who doesn't think much of women." And then I start reading reviews and I find tons of people saying the opposite. Am I the boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes"

    This movie tried to have its cake and eat it, too.

    Lillian's a lot tougher than Gertrude.

    Ha! I thought you were referring to a Roman, but I forgot all about ROME and couldn't find an Octavia in I, CLAUDIUS (understandably, since the character is fictional).

    Who is Octavia?

    Are you implying that Yolandi is one of those aliens?

    Ember is a sheep, damn it.

    Hitler is forever.

    "Sara . . . surprisingly beat Mick in a drinking contest." No surprise there.

    Young Master Wells turned five on September 21, 1871.

    The glasses thing really bothered me.