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    This is the third or fourth medical drama I've seen recently that has a doctor ignoring a DNR. It gives me the creeps.

    Thank you for reminding me of SUBMISSIONS ONLY—especially since I found out there's a third season I haven't watched yet!

    Mike's daughter-in-law reminds me of Lydia. The two actresses resemble each other, and the characters they play are both whiny and manipulative. I don't know if the echo is deliberate, of course.

    Bah, she's sixty-one. She looks no older, and one doesn't need to have rheumatoid arthritis (presumably treated with steroids) to get fatter after menopause. She looks like millions of women her age.

    Aaron Paul is thirty-six and easily looks it. For someone that age to have a fifteen-year-old kid is perfectly reasonable.

    Here is a thing that always irks me: when we hear and sometimes see a ventilator running in a sick room, yet the patient is receiving oxygen through a simple cannula.

    BIG LOVE started in 2007; BREAKING BAD in 2008. Aaron Paul was thus only one year more babyish when the former began than he was when we first saw him as Jesse.

    It drives me crazy that on television teenage children are almost always shorter than their parents. Girls generally reach their adult height at fourteen or fifteen, yet routinely on television daughters that age and older are two or three inches shorter than their mothers. (Boys take a year or two longer to hit their

    Here's how the scene goes:


    Ravi has a much sweeter nature than Giles.

    If you do, I do, too.

    Was that a new zombie? I was thinking Viv and her team were zombified already.

    Josh is much nicer than Jimmy Jr.

    Yes, I loved the idea of Bunsen burners being available at the Colonial Williamsburg gifte shoppe.

    I do, I do.

    I did.

    Travis would definitely be stronger dead.

    Maddy has monster potential, as does Nick.

    I didn't.