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    I was not as absolute as you claim (e.g., I said "more manic than depressed" and "depressed to speak of") but, yes, I should have thrown a "merely" or some such before "depressed" in "Rebecca is far too energetic and proactive to be considered depressed." May the gods strike me dead for my imprecision.

    Oh, she's on the continuum, but it seems to me there's much more than depression going on with her.

    It's really people here who call her depressed all the time. The show doesn't. In fact, she's not even portrayed as depressed to speak of (the "Sexy French Depression" song notwithstanding). Depression isn't staying home from time to time crying while watching soppy movies and eating too much. Rebecca is far too

    A friend who encourages you to engage in dreadful behavior and supports your delusions? No wonder! (Don't get me wrong: Paula is one of my favorite characters. It's just that in real life such friends are dangerous.)

    Hey, the memory of eating those hobbits made them uncomfortable. Who says they don't care?

    "Pile of weird assholes"—pun!

    I think if she got healthy, she would be bored out of her mind with Josh (she would also have the sense to steer clear of Greg—unless he got healthy, too). That said, he would be very restful and soothing to her during her climb back to sanity.

    Yes, she seems to miss not one thing about NYC and never gives the impression that she's slumming. I like that.

    A threesome.

    Yes, this is actually a problem for me: Rebecca seems far too brave and confident (though often misguidedly so, of course). She strikes me as more manic than depressed most of the time.

    I avoid the necessity by staying home all the time.

    So "The Californians" sketches on SNL were reality TV? Huh.

    Four hours to go forty miles? I would stay home.

    Yeah, that confrontation was hot stuff.

    Hey, just 'cause we've never seen him go after pigeon eggs . . .

    The reverse: I never need to lock my doors.

    True, but his neck is like Alice's after she eats from the left side of the mushroom.

    My town has NO cops. I win.

    I came off snarkier than I intended. Apologies.

    I figured that cop was going to turn out to be the one who pulled over the star player in order to pass along his regards to the kid's mother (and potentially the same person the mother called after her fracas with the other driver in that traffic incident). He was clearly a fan of the basketball team and at least one