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    Because a black screen is not at all obtrusive.

    One of those dancers was male.

    So they could invest in a wee bit of pixelation.

    Vanilla gets a bum rap. It is a delicious, exotic flavor—it comes from orchids, for crying out loud—that we all treat like chopped liver (which, incidentally, also gets a bum rap).

    To be fair, he almost certainly hates her first because she's a woman.

    "This episode was sew-sew." A couple of Sally's scenes certainly were.

    Not reading 1273 comments to see if anyone else shared my problem with the fact that the Doctor appears to have acted exactly the same way every time he repeated the sequence in the torture chamber/disk, but I can't imagine I'm the only one who was bothered by this.

    Someone has probably already said this, but I found it very hard to believe that Me survived to the end of the universe, given that the Doctor says in "The Girl Who Died" that "barring accidents, she could be functionally immortal." Seems as though over billions and billions of years she'd have been blowed up real

    Peter Capaldi and his child would have to have procreated pretty early to have a granddaughter Jenna Coleman's age.

    Well, she's not only smug. It's just one of her talents.

    You miss the point of my comment, which was in response to Abbies Dad's "I half expected Dr. Clarkson to show up next and use a banana to demonstrate proper condom usage." I was wondering why this pair would need to use condoms at all.

    Anna should miraculously conceive and the baby should be hauled off to prison the moment it's born.

    Both actresses were chosen, I believe, for their insufferably smug faces.

    There is NOTHING more gripping than a good in-house power struggle over the workings of a rural hospital.

    Mrs. Hughes's aging womb is unlikely to bear fruit, so you think the concern here is STDs?

    Well, that guy is a massive racist, after all.

    I'm now deeply offended on behalf of candy canes.

    In that case, I'd definitely love it.

    The device is not unique to Agatha Christie.

    I'd probably love the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival.