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    It did in the sense that everyone was gathered together in a room while someone systematically explained who dun it.

    Nah. It was gone for a long stretch, but then she felt her spine begin to collapse again and she put it back on. She then wore it consistently till she was treated for the stabbed eye, after which she returned braceless but bepatched.

    I figured it was all part of his carefully designed seduction: the black briefs were the appropriate costume for the initial stage, along with the candles and the playlist, but he also brought along his cozy plaid boxers to change into for the afterglow portion of the event.

    Given that Ryan Murphy thought he was inventing horror comedy/comedy horror, I think ignorance of the genre can be assumed.

    You should watch GETTING ON. It might change your mind about her.

    Get on TV Chaos UK. It's there.

    I got it right away, esp. having just seen Millie die on GETTING ON.

    Holden and Donald Trump have the same flyaway hair.

    Or Liz and Iris are terrible shots.

    No matter how many times I've seen it done, I'm still amused when someone irritatedly pulls out a gun and shoots the person menacing him/her with a whip/knife/sword/etc.

    I wish I loved something as much as Miss Evers loves laundering.

    This exchange baffled me:

    Guess I am as well, 'cause I, too, thought that reading was way off.

    In other words, the old gimmick of MAD as a means to achieve peace.


    They do not. The first year is pretty much lectures and gross anatomy. Maybe the first year of a surgical residency—after four years of medical school.

    But only a couple of years have passed in TWD universe, so the gas is just approaching its expiration date..

    It was also obvious that she did it. There was too long a gap before the scream, and then, when the security footage showed no one else entering the room, any question was removed. It drove me nuts how long it took anyone to figure it out.

    I still feel just as bad about the homeless kids. Worse, really—they never walked on the moon or enjoyed the privileges attendant thereon (or those that made the walking possible in the first place, for that matter).

    "You have a lifetime ahead of you. Don't throw it away on madness." Oh, what a sensible suggestion! Why didn't I think of that?