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    I liked his surprise that Charlie wanted an old-fashioned.

    It's the only possible explanation.

    Wasn't it horrible? Watching people around me fall for him one by one was like a bad dream.

    Not just retaliation, I think: it demonstrated how easily they could best the Gerhardts. And it emphasized the utter vulnerability of the clans' erstwhile leader. Leaving Otto hatless and alone in the cold seemed like a specific slap in Floyd's face.

    I don't know: quick death by gunshot vs. slow death from cancer? I know which one I'd choose.

    Whatever you think the real reasons were, Reagan's (to me, mystifying) ability to make people feel good about themselves, America, and him was what got him all those votes. I was there, and watching it happen was like witnessing a slow-motion car crash in a dream.

    Well, if you mean he'll talk, and then she also will talk, then I guess.

    A thumb is a finger.

    Pretty sure he imagined the blood as he was re-creating the events in his head, but the unlocked door puzzled the hell out of me.

    God, that was a depressing night. I watched the returns on television, and when Carter conceded, I recited "The Second Coming" and cried.

    If all the participants know they might be getting the placebo, then all their guards are equally up.

    "But I ought to enjoy these films, god damn it. They're all my sorts of thing, on paper"—my situation is similar, though I think I enjoy his stuff a bit more than you seem to. I just started A Field in England, though, and while a part of me is responding to it, but a larger part is rolling its eyes.

    Note to self: casually mention to fictional crazy-but-productive woman all the things that need doing around the house.

    Then fix it, dear . . .

    And yet I've heard a shocking number of men describe taking care of their kids exactly as that. It always makes me angry/sad.

    Chekhov's goat.

    You are kinder than I. I thought it was simply clumsy writing.

    Yes, of course. I was merely letting you know that the character of Ichabod on SLEEPY HOLLOW is different from the version you saw on BONES. Not that I'm encouraging you to find this out for yourself: the first season of SH was great fun, but it has gone very far downhill since and in this third season seems to have

    Pretty sure that was later. But even if he had, then only he and Jay would have been able to see the girl in white; the kids in the back seat would have been clueless.

    But no one but Jay would have been able to see her anyway. And the only way she'd know the girl in white was It would have been if she found out the others couldn't see her.