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    It seemed to me that Crane's character was seriously exaggerated for Bones. He was much more flowery and foppish than he is on his own show.

    Liam's mother wasn't so terrible (whatever you think of the acting of the woman who played her). Sure, she went out for a little while when she was at the end of her tether, but she left her kid in the care of his father. That she tried to leave the island with her son was a sign of her devotion to him, however

    Oh, the whining . . .

    You are a silly, angry person, and I feel sorry for you, god help me, so I won't tease you anymore.

    You may, but you don't seem to know what "sanctimonious" means.

    Piffle (see, I can produce a well-reasoned rebuttal, too).

    THE SHINING was the first Stephen King book I ever read and the only one that ever scared me.

    If you didn't flush, you might want to get Gillian McKeith in to take a look at that poop.

    You should watch an episode of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries just for the contrast.

    That's precisely how I feel about it, too. I was momentarily diverted when the hair is raised (literally) but after that the movie was all downhill for me.

    It was "the best call" if the only thing that counted was Fitz's self-interest. Pretty sure that in ethical/moral terms a person's knowing something that could damage one's reputation/career does not justify murdering that person.

    My mistake: my eyes slid over the "just" in the comment to which I was responding.

    The right call was to kill? Huh.

    Wait . . .

    Oh, of course that's who he is.

    Surely a successfully mafia or cartel family would be wealthy?

    That is such a pre-Mr. Robot era comment.

    It does in context.

    I was always a Chicago Manual gal, but I quit the editing biz before they changed their rule to embrace consistency. I'm glad they did, though I'm sorry I missed out. It always irked me to leave the s off.

    Yeah, I was stretching. Just trying to think of as many as I could off the top of my head that might fit the bill.