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    Another thing that bothered/puzzled me was the Amanda-Stahma interaction. Just a few episodes ago, those two almost killed each other. Where has the rapprochement come from? I mean—Stahma saying Amanda's the woman she most respects?! Since when? And what about the pesky detail of Stahma's murdering Kenya? Amanda was

    If she is as you say, then the Eldritch-Coco union is disturbing mainly because he's taking advantage of someone who is mentally deficient.

    PLUS his name is Eldritch, which is just plain stupid. (For a long time, I figured it was Eldridge and assumed the Eldritch spelling was a mistake. I rolled my eyes hard when I found out it wasn't.)

    No, objectively it isn't.

    What I liked best about the episode was the VU song playing in the background when Eph and Fet were at the bar.

    All right, then—let 'er rip!

    Also . . . DUMB. (Spoilery, I know.)

    Yeah, the pairing of Alak and Irisa has been foreshadowed in the last couple of episodes, alongside Andina's ambition to become a Tarr (I guess that's why she had to die: someone flipped a coin, and she lost). Can't see their union lasting long, though; no matter how the show has tried to toughen him up this season,

    I guess the latest episode inspired people as little as it did me. These Omecs leave me cold.

    That works. Thanks.

    I just figured it would be fairly normal for a couple composed of a Swede and a Dane and didn't think it had some special significance within the show. I could oh so very easily be wrong, though.

    Because Michael Ealy's eyes remind you of the Baltic Sea on a sunny day?

    Re ob #3, yes.

    Not so strange. Since they can understand each other, why shouldn't each speak his/her native tongue?

    You mean Real Humans, the Swedish original of Humans?

    Nah, it's sexual. Consider this exchange:

    I was hoping for posthypnotic command, because otherwise what good did it do T'evgin to banish her to a stasis capsule if her mind was free to wander about causing mischief?

    T'evgin was killed far too easily, don't you think? I know he was weak from blood loss, but he led Stahma to believe that Omec were virtually indestructible.

    I thought it ridiculous that Kindzi could control Yewll while she was in stasis.

    It's not unresolved with her daddy.