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    When they're clones, anyway.

    Plus contacts.

    Authors don't write cover copy; blame his publisher.

    I prefer Dark Matter to Killjoys, mainly because the latter is trying too hard to be quippy and clever and not doing a very good job of it. Dark Matter is less intent on impressing with sparkling dialogue, which is vastly preferable to failed effervescence.

    I thought it got pretty good near the end and was disappointed that it was canceled.

    Whoops—I should have sorted by "newest" before I posted.

    I wish these reviews had kept up. I would've enjoyed reading others' reactions to this season. I just watched all the episodes thus far and quite enjoyed it till it became the Kindzi show.

    Hey, I'm old enough to be your mother and I'm probably a lot further to the left than you, so at least we're not all right-wing morons (or should I say "morans"?).


    The beheaded corpses ere fun, but what a stupid gesture.The average "vampire" isn't much more than a twitching, clicking appetite. It's not going to see a few beheaded brethren and sistren and think twice about debarking from the ferry.

    I learned a lot about science from Setrakian. Now I know that to get the right strength of vampire worm juice in one's eye drops, one just has to pour their stewing liquid into successively smaller containers.

    True words, Dr Feelbad.

    Rat poison is a TERRIBLE substitute for eggs.

    TV's version of Traffic was Traffic (1989). Also the inferior Traffic (2004).

    Sure, but it's the only one. In all other respects Defiance nothing like Eureka.

    I really liked it and am very sad it wasn't picked up. How's that for an insightful review?

    Huh? It's not like EUREKA as much as it's like BABYLON 5 and DEEP SPACE NINE.

    Plus there's a lost episode of Doctor Who about Culloden.

    Just imagine how numb one's arm would get sewn into that position for weeks. I hope they moved patients around a lot to help the circulation.

    "His unironic love of Mulan [sic] Rouge"? If loving a movie because it's awfulsome is unironic, then I guess this is correct.