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    David Cross did a nice bit about this, too, on some HBO (perhaps) special or other I saw fifteen or so years ago.

    I am almost positive King got the idea for this from a story I read as part of an old Esquire anthology, in which the hero ends up a raving, one-armed torso on the beach.

    And, who knows? maybe another lifetime on the hips.

    Pretty it's "gobblin' mouths," not "goblin mouths."


    Yeah. It's a cross sometimes.

    I thought it was by far the most interesting premise of the five pilots on offer. Needs a lot of work to be good, though.

    I made me think of Slings but also (shiver) of Smash.

    At least some of it's on YouTube.

    It was awful—and I went into it predisposed to like it.

    That he's male?

    There's already a show called Arctic Air. Maybe that would suit you?

    The motives of the revolutionaries are sympathetic from episode 1. This puts one in the interesting position of applauding their goals but deploring their methods.

    Thanks for this. It was great.