
It's amazing (and stupid) that the movie studios are still all about DRM.

@splitlenz: I usually walk on the street if there are barriers, I don't have patience for all the slow people in manhattan (esp tourists)

@minimaltek: I actually think this is better than putting an actor in a mountain of prostetics and make up where the performance can't come through and all you see is the botox like static makeup

you got it backwards.

the only reason you don't hear people saying apple lost the desktop war anymore is because IT'S OLD NEWS.

@Odin: I meant there won't be chrome on windows...

@KamWrex: music players and smart phones existed before apple went into this business. the only thing they changed was the PR that made common people get these devices too (and not just tech geeks).

@Odin: i'm not sure you'd be able to access jobs' google using chrome on a win7 pc.

Really? the 'do no evil' rebel guys wanted the emperor of the evil empire to lead them?

@King_Faisal_94: the chart includes lawsuits and agreements the prevented lawsuits

@Norbs: they invented digital photography, I'm assuming other camera manufacturers have licensing deals with them. why wouldn't they sue? at least their patents are for a real invention and not some software UI look and feel crap

I guess the flight was short enough. I was on an LA-JFK flight once and we had to land in Devner to remove a passenger who was high on something and tried to access the cockpit and was screaming and running all over the place.

@dj2249: Obviously this guy was wrong, but I was on a virgin america flight waiting on the JFK tarmack for 90 minutes a few months ago and the flight attendent decided she wants to play a quiz game using the PA, which stops the live TV and I had to argue with her so she won't do it. (and that was after the captain

@ManiacalShen: Right now, it's all a compromise. I went with the Evo when it came out, it's a great phone and Android is a great OS (there's almost nothing I dislike about it).

Lucas mentioned before he had planned 9 films and started with the middle trilogy.

@Go Vols!: which reminds me, bill gates drives around in a ford, just because of the sync system

@medopal: Since she doesn't work for MS any longer I doubt she had to clear her interview with MS PR. But she did work for that company, she's married to the chairman, and most of the money in the foundation she runs came from MS. So I don't think anyone would need to tell her what to say.

@_ck: right, but he actually thinks IE is good (and what alternative do you have to windows? OSX? really?)

@Black Knight Rebel: I think MS actually makes more money on Android than Google, so who knows.